Is The Future of Roads Plastic?

Now more than ever is when we all have to refocus and think of ways to live by sustainable development principles. As industrial growth becomes rapid worldwide, so thus the degeneration of our environment. Each and everyone’s responsibility is to make sure that our younger generations will enjoy the same clean air, abundant wildlife, and organic fresh food on their tables. Luckily the call is not left unheard; many groups worldwide advocate for this better way of life.

In a recent article from For Construction Pros, they talked about how they can hit two environmental issues with one brilliant solution, and that is through PlasticRoad projects. They write “PlasticRoad will also make use of our waste. The U.S. alone generated 33 million tons of plastic waste in 2013, only 9% of which was recycled.

“Plastic offers all kinds of advantages compared to current road construction, both in laying the roads and maintenance,” Rolf Mars, director of VolkerWessels’ roads subdivision, KWS Infra says.

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