Summer Safety Tips

With summer here and temps steadily rising, it’s important to keep your field employees cool, hydrated, and protected. These are some summer safety tips to keep your employees safe. 


Drink water every 15 minutes, even if you aren’t thirsty.

Know the Signs

Know the signs and symptoms of heat sickness. Confusion, dizziness, fatigue, headache, muscle cramps, nausea, and vomiting are all signs of heat sickness. Find shade, remove tight or heavy clothing, and sip chilled water or a sports drink with electrolytes.

Block the Sun

Block out the sun as much as possible using sun hats made for construction workers, sunblock with SPF – reapplying frequently – and head to a shady area when you start to feel too hot.

Wear Light Clothing

Wear lightweight, light-colored, loosely fitting clothes while still adhering to your company’s safety requirements. Light colors are poor absorbers of heat, and loose clothing allows air to pass along the skin, speeding evaporation and carrying off excess heat. PPE should be worn and come in a number of lightweight materials, keeping your employees cool and safe.

Avoid Caffeine

Caffeine, while a great resource to wake you up in the morning, can dehydrate you if you drink it excessively. Opt for drinks that have electrolytes or liquid hydration packets you can add to your water instead.

Provide Training

Provide workplace training on heat sickness before the sweltering summer sun is out in full force. Designate someone on each jobsite who is responsible for monitoring workers for signs of heat stress. Ensure workers have communication devices on hand in case of an emergency.

Create a Safe Work Site

Limiting crowd sizes, keeping work areas clear, and ensuring your team is labeling and properly storing all chemicals are all ways to keep workers safe.

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