Saw & Seal
In areas where temperature fluctuations are very severe (upper tier of United States), the saw and seal method is ideal for increasing the longevity of asphalt pavement. By installing control joints in the new pavement and sealing the joints, the expansion and contraction process tends to cause many less random cracks in the pavement. (This is similar to installing control joints in concrete.)
Studies by State Departments of Transportation in northern states, have shown the saw and seal method to be effective in significantly reducing pavement maintenance costs in the long run.
- Transverse saw cut joints will extend the full width of the pavement. They should extend 1 foot beyond the edge of the mainline pavement into the asphalt shoulder. The traverse saw cut joints should be spaced at 40 foot intervals.
- Clean dry sawed joints with an air compressor until the joint is dry and debris is removed from joint and surrounding pavement.
- Wet sawed joints should be cleaned with a water blast to remove debris. Then dry the joints with an air compressor.
- Place backer tape on the bottom of the joint reservoir.
- Seal the joint with sealant material.
- Make sure the sealant is tack free before opening to traffic.