Pavement Marking

Pavement Marking

The initial parking space and roadway layout is designed at the time the building is initially built. As times change, however, the usage of a parking lot may change, or the need for more parking spaces may arise. Your Pavement Network professional is an expert on the local requirements for required parking space sizes and other pertinent markings.

New layouts can be done in conjunction with sealcoating or repaving, or the lot can simply be blacked out and changed. Call your Pavement Network professional for a free estimate.

Parking Lots

Without pavement markings or signs, parking lots and roadways would be nothing more than crash zones. To ensure safe travel on roads, there needs to be center lines, directional arrows, stop bars, and crosswalks as well as speed limit signs, stop signs, construction zone signs, etc.
On parking lots there needs to be parking space designations, handicap parking designations, directional arrows and designated fire lane curbs as well as handicap signs and no parking signs.

While the pavement markings and signage on new pavements are determined by the construction drawings, existing pavements can become outdated and must be brought up to code. Faded markings should be repainted as necessary to keep parking lots safe.

Ask your Pavement Network professional for ideas on how to maximize your parking layout, and for his expertise in local stipulations on such items as no parking fire lanes, handicap parking designations and crosswalks.

ADA Compliance

The Americans with Disabilities Act was introduced in the 1990s and created a federal mandate for accessible parking (handicap spaces) at public buildings among other things. This has been good for the pavement industry because it supersedes local regulations and makes a uniform code throughout the country.

Simply put, the ADA code is as follows:

I. Number of accessible spaces required for commercial properties, open to the public.

# of Spaces in Lot Minimum # of Accessible
Spaces Required
Of Those, # Required
to be Van Accessible
 1-25  1  1
 26-50  2  1
 51-75  3  1
 76-100  4  1
 101-150  5  1
 151-200  6  1
 201-300  7  1
 301-400  8  1
 401-500  9  2
 501-1000  2% of total  1 in every 8 accessible spaces
 1001 & Over  20 plus 1 for each 100 over 1000  1 in every 8 accessible spaces


II. Layout

Accessible space – 8′ with 5′ hashout on left side
Two spaces can share a hashout
Van Accessible –  8′ space with 8′ hashout on right side

III. Signage

Accessible – Regular handicapped sign – Reserved parking and universal logo in center of each sign
Bottom of sign must be between 4′ and 7′ above surface
Van accessible – Same as above, except that the words “VAN ACCESSIBLE” shall be printed below the logo.

IV. Grade

Spaces, access aisles, loading zones shall have maximum slope at 2% in all directions

Signage Installations

The installation of signs can complement a professionally striped pavement surface. We have the resources to handle your complex custom signing jobs. When looking at signs, make sure the signs have a reflective surface to stand out during evening hours.

One of the three following ways will be used to install your signs.

  • Mount the sign onto a metal u-channel post and drive the post into the pavement, grass, dirt, or concrete surface.
  • Mount the sign onto a metal u-channel post and attach the post to a portable concrete or plastic cone base.
  • Mount the sign directly onto a building structure.
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