The Cost-Benefit of Rout-and-Seal Repairs

A recent study by Minnesota researchers was conducted to see if there was, in fact, a cost-benefit to perform rout-and-seal repairs versus clean-and-seal repairs. The study was conducted over two years and the goal was to see which repair method offered the best value over time.

The benefits to rout-and-seal repairs proved to be slightly more cost-efficient than clean-and-seal. Rout-and-seal repairs deliver a longer-lasting repair, so, it may be more cost-effective than clean-and-seal in terms of life-cycle cost.

The report from Crossroads shows that “At an average performance index level, rout-and-seal offered about four years of service before failure; clean-and-seal offered about three years.

Preserving asphalt pavements so they maintain performance for decades requires a variety of repairs, including sealing cracks. Cracks allow water to seep into pavement structures, leading to damage from freeze-thaw expansion, stripping of the asphalt’s bond from the underlying structure, potholes and crack expansion.

For most crack repairs, road crews clean the crack and apply an asphaltic filler or sealant. MnDOT uses two approaches to repair cracks and create a smooth ride for passing vehicles: clean-and-seal and rout-and-seal. Both treatments force traffic closures.”

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