What is Smart Pavement?

Who would’ve thought our roads will also be made to be “smart”? Smart pavement technology is where concrete slabs have built-in sensors which can track real-time traffic data. From showing lane usage, speed metrics, and vehicle types, to charging your electric vehicle while driving, this technology opens a whole new world. The possibilities are endless. Integrated Roadways and Kiewit is pioneering this digital technology and fiber optics connectivity to launch in Lenexa City Center.

Five intersections have been identified to house the first batch of smart pavement technology. From here, the council will assess if there’s a need to expand on a larger scale. One project that can possibly happen is the integration of wireless services so motorists will be able to connect to the internet while on the smart pavement. If this becomes successful, driverless vehicles can drive in a loop like that of a bus system. This major leap in transportation technology will absolutely be remarkable.

In an article featured in Shawnee Mission Post, Integrated Roadways and Kiewit have presented these plans and possibilities to the Lenexa City council as updates for the Showcase City Center project.